Until your child's first tooth appears, a quick wipe with a damp washcloth will be all it takes to keep their gums healthy. Once the first tooth arrives, begin brushing using a soft baby toothbrush. At age 2, you can add a small smear of fluoridated toothpaste to the toothbrush and graduate to a pea-sized amount when your child turns 3. If your child is at high-risk for cavities, we'll discuss whether toothpaste should be introduced sooner.
You will need to supervise and assist with brushing until your child is about 8 years old. By this age, most kids have the coordination and the patience to brush their teeth independently (although you should still check in to make sure good habits are being followed). Brushing and flossing habits are a major part of the conversations we will have with you and your child during your examinations, and we will teach and help reinforce good brushing habits.